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?»?Sports Betting Strategy.
Making money betting on sports can be tough, but there are a lot of sports bettors who consistently win, and there are even a lot of professional bettors who make a good living off of sports betting. On this page you will find sports betting strategy and tips to help you become one of the winning bettors.
Below I talk about the basic sports betting strategies for beginner bettors, but if you are more experienced you can check out the advanced sports betting strategy articles towards the bottom of this page.
The Basics To Sports Betting Strategy.
In order to help yourself make money or a profit from sports betting there are a couple of basic strategies or tips you will want to understand and follow. None of these sports betting strategies are secrets by any means, but following them will help you win money betting on sports.
The bettors who don??™t follow any of these strategies are often referred to as ???squares??? and those are the type of bettors that the sportsbooks will make their profits from.
#1 Money Management/Bankroll Management.
When you are betting on sports you should always set aside a certain amount of money, which we refer to as your ???bankroll???, in which you can afford to lose. Like with any type of gambling, you never want to bet betting on sports with money you cannot afford to lose. Set aside a certain amount of money that you can use for your bankroll for the week, the month, or the season. A general sports betting strategy for money management is to only make bets with 1%-5% of your bankroll. For example, if your bankroll for the NFL season was $1,000 you would be making $10-$50 bets on each NFL game you wanted to bet on. It is also very important that you do not chase your loses with bigger bets. It is common for some sports bettors to be down money and feel in order to win it back they need to increase the size of their bets. This is putting yourself in the wrong mindset and will often lead to you losing even more money. Work with the size of your bankroll, and look to slowly increase it over the length of the season.
Here??™s a video going over Bankroll Management strategies for sports betting:
#2 Bet Sober and Don??™t Go on Tilt.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you??™d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don??™t think so. I don??™t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor.
The second part of this tips is ???Don??™t Go on Tilt???. Going on tilt or ???tilting??? is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn??™t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
#3 Do Your Homework.
This is maybe the most important sports betting strategy. You will always want to do your research before placing your bets. Although going with your hunch when betting your favorite sport may work some of the time, in the long run it will not lead to you winning money betting on sports. In order to profit from sports betting you will need to research, study, and do your homework for each pick you make. Look at stats, find trends, create sports betting systems, analyze past games ??“ basically do everything you could possibly do to ensure you have value in your pick before you place your wager.
#4 Line Shopping.
A very big step to becoming a winning sports bettor is to make sure you are shopping for the best lines. What this means is that you will have to have an account at a couple of different online sportsbooks and when you are ready to make a bet on a certain team or outcome you check the different sportsbooks and find which book is offering the best line for you (this ties in with our advanced how to find max value article). For example, if you are looking to bet on the New England Patriots on a 7 point spread, you would want to check a couple different sportsbooks to see if any of them are offering the Patriots at 6.5 points, or at the very least find the best price you can get them at 7 points at. Over the course of a sport betting season you can win yourself a lot of money from shopping the lines that would otherwise would not be one. Line shopping is definitely one of the best sports betting strategies used by winning sports bettors. To see a list of sportsbooks we recommend signing up for visit our Online Betting Sites section.
I??™ve created a line shopping video and posted it on YouTube (seen below):
#5 Avoid Buying Points.
Other Sports Betting Strategies and Myths.
Above are the four main basic strategies you will want to follow in order to become a winning sports bettor, but there are a couple of other tips you can use to help you win money.
For one, you can try following a sports handicapper who is using a proven sports betting system. Be careful of scammers out there though. If they don??™t show their past records long term plus proof I would pass, and in most cases I wouldn??™t be paying for picks at all.
An old sports betting strategy is to bet on home underdogs. The theory is that teams are usually more inspired to play at home, and they will often not fold if they are down like they may when on the road. Betting home dogs in the past could have made you money, but this isn??™t true as much anymore. You can read the current betting market article to learn why.
The last tip I have for you is to try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. Check out the video below that I made titled ???When To Place Your Bets???.

Time Tested Sports Betting Strategies.
Entrepreneur's New Year??™s Guide.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
Do a quick Google search, and you will be swamped by dozens of websites that will promise to equip you with sports betting strategies that will make you invincible. You've got statisticians, marketers, betting experts, strategy consultants, mathematicians, and a lot of others, each proclaiming to have hit upon the elusive success formula that can help you beat the odds and regularly rake in thousands in winnings, week after week. Are all these 'experts' worth following? Ask yourself, do you have the time and mind-space to do so? These strategies, tips, and tactics will help you maximize your winnings, stay safe and secure, and above all, enjoy your sports betting.
Keep An Edge in Whatever Sports Betting You Do.
There's a reason why it's called sports betting, and not sports gambling. That's because you can have an edge in your adventures in sports betting, unlike gambling, where you are always operating at a disadvantage, or playing with very little edge. The thumb rule of making it big is - don't do what everybody else is doing. As a beginner, it's natural for you to align your interests with what the public opinion is. However, note that your dream of making sports betting a major contributor to your financial independence plan is contingent on you identifying your style, original way of thinking, and above all, not following the herd.
Manage Your Bankroll.
This is the oldest and yet the most useful tip you will ever encounter. To void betting with money you can??™t afford to lose, manage your bankroll like a pro. If you have a budget of $500 for betting through the NFL, make sure you keep each bet pegged at anything between 1 to 5% of the bankroll. This helps you avoid catastrophic situations of losing a lot, or ending up chasing losses only to end in debt.
Do Your Homework.
Here's a school lesson, back to haunt (just kidding) you. Luck will help you win every now and then, but not always. Remember, most sports bettors don't do any kind of research before they place their bets. This means that every incremental effort you put in analysis and background research will put you ahead of hundreds (if not thousands) of fellow sports bettors. Here's the minimum that you can do, to begin with:- Understand the strategic aspects of the sports you are following for sports betting.
Subscribe to at least 2 newsletters dedicated to a sport (ideally, these newsletters should be competitors) Invest time in learning the basics of statistics to be able to make informed decisions when confused Record your sports betting choices and their outcomes, to be able to make course corrections when need Bookmark a sports betting resource website like Bet-Bonuscode, which offers tremendous insight from the world of sports betting, including strategies and news.
Devise A Strategy, and Stick With It.
Much like everything, sports betting is often overcomplicated. It's too tempting to explain all kinds of outcomes with all kinds of theories. You'd do well to distance yourself from non-value adding analysis and theorization. Selection bias, model over fitting, and over optimization (among others) are cardinal sins of sports betting that can hurt your chances. Instead, be confident of your strategy, and give it time to yield results. Of course, you'd need to keep monitoring outcomes and doing course corrections, without significantly altering your core strategy. Do not fixate on numbers. A simple strategy backed by intuitive logic is your strongest asset.
Don??™t Fall For Baits.
Take it from us, you will never be too far from a sports betting website that will sell you a dummy. Then, if you also manage some part of your sports betting offline, you??™ve got to be well aware of the pitfalls. Sadly, there is a lot going around in the cyber-sphere that can disrupt the activities of straight thinking sports betting enthusiasts. Websites try to lure bettors by floating unrealistic bonuses and special promotions, only to cut them a shady deal later on. The thumb rule to remember is ??“ background research. Before you decide to join a sports betting network, before you decide to follow an expert??™s quick course in sports betting, do your homework, read reviews, look for demos.
Final Thoughts.
Sports betting is exciting, rewarding, and entertaining. Adopt all these basic tips and tactics, and you will not only enjoy sports betting more, but will also earn more from your adventures, and will stay safe and secure from scammers. Remember, sports betting is best managed on strong grounds of financial discipline, and must be backed by your willingness to invest time and thought in bettering your understanding of sports.

What is the Most Profitable Betting Strategy?
We placed and tracked the success of 5 popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets to determine which is the most profitable. The Proportional Betting system and the Fixed Amount Betting system were the only ones to avoid losses in our simulation.
Betting strategies or systems (also known as ???staking formulas???) work by providing bettors with instructions to follow in order to maximize earnings and reduce losses. Some work by betting more when you win, while others work by betting less as you lose.
Which betting strategy is the most profitable? In this article, we tested some of the most popular betting strategies to try and determine which is the best and which ones you should stay away from.
Our friends at BookMaker.eu provided us with a test account to run our simulations. We placed and tracked the success of five popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets. Here are the results.
The graph below shows the profit from 500 bets for the five betting systems (with a 55% probability of winning each bet). Except for the ???Bet it All??™ method, which had an initial bet of $1,000, the initial bet for each other system was $100. Each system started with a $1,000 balance, and the simulation ran for 500 bets or until the balance was zero.
Betting Strategy A: Bet It All.
This system involves you betting your entire balance on every bet. The advantage is that if you win, you win big. Conversely, if you lose, you lose it all.
Betting Strategy B: Martingale System.
The Martingale system has you double your bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus a profit equal to the original bet. For example, say you started with a $100 bet and lose. You would then double your bet and continue doubling each bet until you finally win ($100, $200, and so on.). By the time you reach your fifth bet, you??™d be risking $1,600. The Martingale betting strategy is seen as a sure thing by some since a gambler with an unlimited bankroll will eventually win.
The exponential growth of the bets in order to cover losses will eventually bankrupt all gamblers who use this system since no one has an unlimited bankroll. Also, every casino or sportsbook has a betting limit on the amount they will accept that will almost certainly be reached before the gambler wins.
Betting Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting.
This system requires you to bet a fixed amount on each bet. In our case, it is $100. With a 55% probability of winning, this method means you won??™t lose your entire balance quickly but it also means your chance of losing will be slow but certain.
Betting Strategy D: Proportional Betting.
Proportional betting systems require betting a portion of your bankroll and then increasing your bets by that same percentage after each win.
For example, if you had a $1000 bankroll and bet 10%, you??™d bet $100 the first time. If you won, you??™d add your winnings and find 10% of your new total for the next wager. For instance, if you won $200 you would add this to the $1,000. You then calculate 10% of $1200, which is $120.
This means winnings increase quicker than in the fixed-wager system, and losses slow down.
Betting Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence.
Using this methodology, you??™ll increase your bets in a Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence are numbers in the following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,??¦
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
As an example, lets say your first bet is $100 or 1 unit. You lose. You then place your second bet, also $100 or 1 unit. You lose again. Place your third bet, $200 or 2 units. Now you win. So you move down 1 unit to $100 or 1 unit.
This method has similar drawbacks to the Martingale system, but it reduces how quickly the bet increases if you??™re on a losing streak,as well as reducing the rate at which you win.
Which Is the Most Profitable Betting Method?
And the winner is??¦
Strategy D: Proportional Betting ??“ $19,275 Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting ??“ $6,600 Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy B: Martingale System ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy A: Bet it All ??“ $0 (busted on bet 2)
Strategy D, the proportionate betting system, resulted in the greatest profits, earning $19,275 after 500 bets. This makes sense, since proportional betting has a natural mathematical advantage over the others betting systems.
For example, say your bankroll is down to only $100. You would then bet $10 and decrease each time, keeping you in the game for much longer than a fixed betting system, where your last $100 would be your last bet.
The only system other than proportional betting to avoid losses in our simulation was Fixed Amount Betting (Strategy C), earning $6,600 after 500 bets.
The Bet it All system (Strategy A), generated big gains after the first bet. It earned as much in one risk than the other systems did in their first seven. However, this strategy is quickly eliminated on just the second round of betting. The odds of making it through all 500 rounds at 55% is almost impossible. If you did manage to do so, you would have earned $67 billion by the 27th bet.
The Martingale (Strategy B) and Fibonacci Sequence (Strategy E) betting systems also started strong, but long sequences of losses quickly increased the required stake resulting in losing it all.
In our simulation of betting online, we lost 12 times in a row at round 81. These losses completely wiped out both Fibonacci and Martingale??™s bankrolls. In fact, at the 12th consecutive loss in-a-row, the Martingale bettor had to bet $405,000 to recoup his losses.
That was impossible, since his maximum balance was only $6,500. For Fibonacci, the maximum bet was $34,500, with his balance reaching its maximum at $4,300 before busting out.
The 12-bet losing streak also affected Proportional Betting (Strategy D) greatly, reducing its winnings from $8,369 to $3,276 ??“ lower than that of Fixed Betting (Strategy C). This shows how well fixed betting protects your winnings and thus ranks as one of our best betting systems.
Which Betting Strategy Should You Choose?
In our simulation, its clear that Proportional betting is the only system that you should use. Keep in mind, however, that our simulation is based on the assumptions that we know both the edge and that the edge is in our favor ??“ a 55% probability of winning each bet. Without those assumptions, the results for our betting strategy test would have change significantly.
Regardless, we still feel that Proportional Betting is the best staking formula of all the systems we tested. Not only because of the results, but because it??™s a system that??™s easy to use and calculate.
If you liked this simulation, check out some more betting tips:

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2 377

Re : 12 inch aluminum square box truss



?»?Sports Betting Strategy.
Making money betting on sports can be tough, but there are a lot of sports bettors who consistently win, and there are even a lot of professional bettors who make a good living off of sports betting. On this page you will find sports betting strategy and tips to help you become one of the winning bettors.
Below I talk about the basic sports betting strategies for beginner bettors, but if you are more experienced you can check out the advanced sports betting strategy articles towards the bottom of this page.
The Basics To Sports Betting Strategy.
In order to help yourself make money or a profit from sports betting there are a couple of basic strategies or tips you will want to understand and follow. None of these sports betting strategies are secrets by any means, but following them will help you win money betting on sports.
The bettors who don??™t follow any of these strategies are often referred to as ???squares??? and those are the type of bettors that the sportsbooks will make their profits from.
#1 Money Management/Bankroll Management.
When you are betting on sports you should always set aside a certain amount of money, which we refer to as your ???bankroll???, in which you can afford to lose. Like with any type of gambling, you never want to bet betting on sports with money you cannot afford to lose. Set aside a certain amount of money that you can use for your bankroll for the week, the month, or the season. A general sports betting strategy for money management is to only make bets with 1%-5% of your bankroll. For example, if your bankroll for the NFL season was $1,000 you would be making $10-$50 bets on each NFL game you wanted to bet on. It is also very important that you do not chase your loses with bigger bets. It is common for some sports bettors to be down money and feel in order to win it back they need to increase the size of their bets. This is putting yourself in the wrong mindset and will often lead to you losing even more money. Work with the size of your bankroll, and look to slowly increase it over the length of the season.
Here??™s a video going over Bankroll Management strategies for sports betting:
#2 Bet Sober and Don??™t Go on Tilt.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you??™d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don??™t think so. I don??™t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor.
The second part of this tips is ???Don??™t Go on Tilt???. Going on tilt or ???tilting??? is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn??™t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
#3 Do Your Homework.
This is maybe the most important sports betting strategy. You will always want to do your research before placing your bets. Although going with your hunch when betting your favorite sport may work some of the time, in the long run it will not lead to you winning money betting on sports. In order to profit from sports betting you will need to research, study, and do your homework for each pick you make. Look at stats, find trends, create sports betting systems, analyze past games ??“ basically do everything you could possibly do to ensure you have value in your pick before you place your wager.
#4 Line Shopping.
A very big step to becoming a winning sports bettor is to make sure you are shopping for the best lines. What this means is that you will have to have an account at a couple of different online sportsbooks and when you are ready to make a bet on a certain team or outcome you check the different sportsbooks and find which book is offering the best line for you (this ties in with our advanced how to find max value article). For example, if you are looking to bet on the New England Patriots on a 7 point spread, you would want to check a couple different sportsbooks to see if any of them are offering the Patriots at 6.5 points, or at the very least find the best price you can get them at 7 points at. Over the course of a sport betting season you can win yourself a lot of money from shopping the lines that would otherwise would not be one. Line shopping is definitely one of the best sports betting strategies used by winning sports bettors. To see a list of sportsbooks we recommend signing up for visit our Online Betting Sites section.
I??™ve created a line shopping video and posted it on YouTube (seen below):
#5 Avoid Buying Points.
Other Sports Betting Strategies and Myths.
Above are the four main basic strategies you will want to follow in order to become a winning sports bettor, but there are a couple of other tips you can use to help you win money.
For one, you can try following a sports handicapper who is using a proven sports betting system. Be careful of scammers out there though. If they don??™t show their past records long term plus proof I would pass, and in most cases I wouldn??™t be paying for picks at all.
An old sports betting strategy is to bet on home underdogs. The theory is that teams are usually more inspired to play at home, and they will often not fold if they are down like they may when on the road. Betting home dogs in the past could have made you money, but this isn??™t true as much anymore. You can read the current betting market article to learn why.
The last tip I have for you is to try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. Check out the video below that I made titled ???When To Place Your Bets???.

Time Tested Sports Betting Strategies.
Entrepreneur's New Year??™s Guide.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
Do a quick Google search, and you will be swamped by dozens of websites that will promise to equip you with sports betting strategies that will make you invincible. You've got statisticians, marketers, betting experts, strategy consultants, mathematicians, and a lot of others, each proclaiming to have hit upon the elusive success formula that can help you beat the odds and regularly rake in thousands in winnings, week after week. Are all these 'experts' worth following? Ask yourself, do you have the time and mind-space to do so? These strategies, tips, and tactics will help you maximize your winnings, stay safe and secure, and above all, enjoy your sports betting.
Keep An Edge in Whatever Sports Betting You Do.
There's a reason why it's called sports betting, and not sports gambling. That's because you can have an edge in your adventures in sports betting, unlike gambling, where you are always operating at a disadvantage, or playing with very little edge. The thumb rule of making it big is - don't do what everybody else is doing. As a beginner, it's natural for you to align your interests with what the public opinion is. However, note that your dream of making sports betting a major contributor to your financial independence plan is contingent on you identifying your style, original way of thinking, and above all, not following the herd.
Manage Your Bankroll.
This is the oldest and yet the most useful tip you will ever encounter. To void betting with money you can??™t afford to lose, manage your bankroll like a pro. If you have a budget of $500 for betting through the NFL, make sure you keep each bet pegged at anything between 1 to 5% of the bankroll. This helps you avoid catastrophic situations of losing a lot, or ending up chasing losses only to end in debt.
Do Your Homework.
Here's a school lesson, back to haunt (just kidding) you. Luck will help you win every now and then, but not always. Remember, most sports bettors don't do any kind of research before they place their bets. This means that every incremental effort you put in analysis and background research will put you ahead of hundreds (if not thousands) of fellow sports bettors. Here's the minimum that you can do, to begin with:- Understand the strategic aspects of the sports you are following for sports betting.
Subscribe to at least 2 newsletters dedicated to a sport (ideally, these newsletters should be competitors) Invest time in learning the basics of statistics to be able to make informed decisions when confused Record your sports betting choices and their outcomes, to be able to make course corrections when need Bookmark a sports betting resource website like Bet-Bonuscode, which offers tremendous insight from the world of sports betting, including strategies and news.
Devise A Strategy, and Stick With It.
Much like everything, sports betting is often overcomplicated. It's too tempting to explain all kinds of outcomes with all kinds of theories. You'd do well to distance yourself from non-value adding analysis and theorization. Selection bias, model over fitting, and over optimization (among others) are cardinal sins of sports betting that can hurt your chances. Instead, be confident of your strategy, and give it time to yield results. Of course, you'd need to keep monitoring outcomes and doing course corrections, without significantly altering your core strategy. Do not fixate on numbers. A simple strategy backed by intuitive logic is your strongest asset.
Don??™t Fall For Baits.
Take it from us, you will never be too far from a sports betting website that will sell you a dummy. Then, if you also manage some part of your sports betting offline, you??™ve got to be well aware of the pitfalls. Sadly, there is a lot going around in the cyber-sphere that can disrupt the activities of straight thinking sports betting enthusiasts. Websites try to lure bettors by floating unrealistic bonuses and special promotions, only to cut them a shady deal later on. The thumb rule to remember is ??“ background research. Before you decide to join a sports betting network, before you decide to follow an expert??™s quick course in sports betting, do your homework, read reviews, look for demos.
Final Thoughts.
Sports betting is exciting, rewarding, and entertaining. Adopt all these basic tips and tactics, and you will not only enjoy sports betting more, but will also earn more from your adventures, and will stay safe and secure from scammers. Remember, sports betting is best managed on strong grounds of financial discipline, and must be backed by your willingness to invest time and thought in bettering your understanding of sports.

What is the Most Profitable Betting Strategy?
We placed and tracked the success of 5 popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets to determine which is the most profitable. The Proportional Betting system and the Fixed Amount Betting system were the only ones to avoid losses in our simulation.
Betting strategies or systems (also known as ???staking formulas???) work by providing bettors with instructions to follow in order to maximize earnings and reduce losses. Some work by betting more when you win, while others work by betting less as you lose.
Which betting strategy is the most profitable? In this article, we tested some of the most popular betting strategies to try and determine which is the best and which ones you should stay away from.
Our friends at BookMaker.eu provided us with a test account to run our simulations. We placed and tracked the success of five popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets. Here are the results.
The graph below shows the profit from 500 bets for the five betting systems (with a 55% probability of winning each bet). Except for the ???Bet it All??™ method, which had an initial bet of $1,000, the initial bet for each other system was $100. Each system started with a $1,000 balance, and the simulation ran for 500 bets or until the balance was zero.
Betting Strategy A: Bet It All.
This system involves you betting your entire balance on every bet. The advantage is that if you win, you win big. Conversely, if you lose, you lose it all.
Betting Strategy B: Martingale System.
The Martingale system has you double your bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus a profit equal to the original bet. For example, say you started with a $100 bet and lose. You would then double your bet and continue doubling each bet until you finally win ($100, $200, and so on.). By the time you reach your fifth bet, you??™d be risking $1,600. The Martingale betting strategy is seen as a sure thing by some since a gambler with an unlimited bankroll will eventually win.
The exponential growth of the bets in order to cover losses will eventually bankrupt all gamblers who use this system since no one has an unlimited bankroll. Also, every casino or sportsbook has a betting limit on the amount they will accept that will almost certainly be reached before the gambler wins.
Betting Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting.
This system requires you to bet a fixed amount on each bet. In our case, it is $100. With a 55% probability of winning, this method means you won??™t lose your entire balance quickly but it also means your chance of losing will be slow but certain.
Betting Strategy D: Proportional Betting.
Proportional betting systems require betting a portion of your bankroll and then increasing your bets by that same percentage after each win.
For example, if you had a $1000 bankroll and bet 10%, you??™d bet $100 the first time. If you won, you??™d add your winnings and find 10% of your new total for the next wager. For instance, if you won $200 you would add this to the $1,000. You then calculate 10% of $1200, which is $120.
This means winnings increase quicker than in the fixed-wager system, and losses slow down.
Betting Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence.
Using this methodology, you??™ll increase your bets in a Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence are numbers in the following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,??¦
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
As an example, lets say your first bet is $100 or 1 unit. You lose. You then place your second bet, also $100 or 1 unit. You lose again. Place your third bet, $200 or 2 units. Now you win. So you move down 1 unit to $100 or 1 unit.
This method has similar drawbacks to the Martingale system, but it reduces how quickly the bet increases if you??™re on a losing streak,as well as reducing the rate at which you win.
Which Is the Most Profitable Betting Method?
And the winner is??¦
Strategy D: Proportional Betting ??“ $19,275 Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting ??“ $6,600 Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy B: Martingale System ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy A: Bet it All ??“ $0 (busted on bet 2)
Strategy D, the proportionate betting system, resulted in the greatest profits, earning $19,275 after 500 bets. This makes sense, since proportional betting has a natural mathematical advantage over the others betting systems.
For example, say your bankroll is down to only $100. You would then bet $10 and decrease each time, keeping you in the game for much longer than a fixed betting system, where your last $100 would be your last bet.
The only system other than proportional betting to avoid losses in our simulation was Fixed Amount Betting (Strategy C), earning $6,600 after 500 bets.
The Bet it All system (Strategy A), generated big gains after the first bet. It earned as much in one risk than the other systems did in their first seven. However, this strategy is quickly eliminated on just the second round of betting. The odds of making it through all 500 rounds at 55% is almost impossible. If you did manage to do so, you would have earned $67 billion by the 27th bet.
The Martingale (Strategy B) and Fibonacci Sequence (Strategy E) betting systems also started strong, but long sequences of losses quickly increased the required stake resulting in losing it all.
In our simulation of betting online, we lost 12 times in a row at round 81. These losses completely wiped out both Fibonacci and Martingale??™s bankrolls. In fact, at the 12th consecutive loss in-a-row, the Martingale bettor had to bet $405,000 to recoup his losses.
That was impossible, since his maximum balance was only $6,500. For Fibonacci, the maximum bet was $34,500, with his balance reaching its maximum at $4,300 before busting out.
The 12-bet losing streak also affected Proportional Betting (Strategy D) greatly, reducing its winnings from $8,369 to $3,276 ??“ lower than that of Fixed Betting (Strategy C). This shows how well fixed betting protects your winnings and thus ranks as one of our best betting systems.
Which Betting Strategy Should You Choose?
In our simulation, its clear that Proportional betting is the only system that you should use. Keep in mind, however, that our simulation is based on the assumptions that we know both the edge and that the edge is in our favor ??“ a 55% probability of winning each bet. Without those assumptions, the results for our betting strategy test would have change significantly.
Regardless, we still feel that Proportional Betting is the best staking formula of all the systems we tested. Not only because of the results, but because it??™s a system that??™s easy to use and calculate.
If you liked this simulation, check out some more betting tips:

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?»?Sports Betting Strategy.
Making money betting on sports can be tough, but there are a lot of sports bettors who consistently win, and there are even a lot of professional bettors who make a good living off of sports betting. On this page you will find sports betting strategy and tips to help you become one of the winning bettors.
Below I talk about the basic sports betting strategies for beginner bettors, but if you are more experienced you can check out the advanced sports betting strategy articles towards the bottom of this page.
The Basics To Sports Betting Strategy.
In order to help yourself make money or a profit from sports betting there are a couple of basic strategies or tips you will want to understand and follow. None of these sports betting strategies are secrets by any means, but following them will help you win money betting on sports.
The bettors who don??™t follow any of these strategies are often referred to as ???squares??? and those are the type of bettors that the sportsbooks will make their profits from.
#1 Money Management/Bankroll Management.
When you are betting on sports you should always set aside a certain amount of money, which we refer to as your ???bankroll???, in which you can afford to lose. Like with any type of gambling, you never want to bet betting on sports with money you cannot afford to lose. Set aside a certain amount of money that you can use for your bankroll for the week, the month, or the season. A general sports betting strategy for money management is to only make bets with 1%-5% of your bankroll. For example, if your bankroll for the NFL season was $1,000 you would be making $10-$50 bets on each NFL game you wanted to bet on. It is also very important that you do not chase your loses with bigger bets. It is common for some sports bettors to be down money and feel in order to win it back they need to increase the size of their bets. This is putting yourself in the wrong mindset and will often lead to you losing even more money. Work with the size of your bankroll, and look to slowly increase it over the length of the season.
Here??™s a video going over Bankroll Management strategies for sports betting:
#2 Bet Sober and Don??™t Go on Tilt.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you??™d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don??™t think so. I don??™t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor.
The second part of this tips is ???Don??™t Go on Tilt???. Going on tilt or ???tilting??? is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn??™t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
#3 Do Your Homework.
This is maybe the most important sports betting strategy. You will always want to do your research before placing your bets. Although going with your hunch when betting your favorite sport may work some of the time, in the long run it will not lead to you winning money betting on sports. In order to profit from sports betting you will need to research, study, and do your homework for each pick you make. Look at stats, find trends, create sports betting systems, analyze past games ??“ basically do everything you could possibly do to ensure you have value in your pick before you place your wager.
#4 Line Shopping.
A very big step to becoming a winning sports bettor is to make sure you are shopping for the best lines. What this means is that you will have to have an account at a couple of different online sportsbooks and when you are ready to make a bet on a certain team or outcome you check the different sportsbooks and find which book is offering the best line for you (this ties in with our advanced how to find max value article). For example, if you are looking to bet on the New England Patriots on a 7 point spread, you would want to check a couple different sportsbooks to see if any of them are offering the Patriots at 6.5 points, or at the very least find the best price you can get them at 7 points at. Over the course of a sport betting season you can win yourself a lot of money from shopping the lines that would otherwise would not be one. Line shopping is definitely one of the best sports betting strategies used by winning sports bettors. To see a list of sportsbooks we recommend signing up for visit our Online Betting Sites section.
I??™ve created a line shopping video and posted it on YouTube (seen below):
#5 Avoid Buying Points.
Other Sports Betting Strategies and Myths.
Above are the four main basic strategies you will want to follow in order to become a winning sports bettor, but there are a couple of other tips you can use to help you win money.
For one, you can try following a sports handicapper who is using a proven sports betting system. Be careful of scammers out there though. If they don??™t show their past records long term plus proof I would pass, and in most cases I wouldn??™t be paying for picks at all.
An old sports betting strategy is to bet on home underdogs. The theory is that teams are usually more inspired to play at home, and they will often not fold if they are down like they may when on the road. Betting home dogs in the past could have made you money, but this isn??™t true as much anymore. You can read the current betting market article to learn why.
The last tip I have for you is to try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. Check out the video below that I made titled ???When To Place Your Bets???.

Time Tested Sports Betting Strategies.
Entrepreneur's New Year??™s Guide.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
Do a quick Google search, and you will be swamped by dozens of websites that will promise to equip you with sports betting strategies that will make you invincible. You've got statisticians, marketers, betting experts, strategy consultants, mathematicians, and a lot of others, each proclaiming to have hit upon the elusive success formula that can help you beat the odds and regularly rake in thousands in winnings, week after week. Are all these 'experts' worth following? Ask yourself, do you have the time and mind-space to do so? These strategies, tips, and tactics will help you maximize your winnings, stay safe and secure, and above all, enjoy your sports betting.
Keep An Edge in Whatever Sports Betting You Do.
There's a reason why it's called sports betting, and not sports gambling. That's because you can have an edge in your adventures in sports betting, unlike gambling, where you are always operating at a disadvantage, or playing with very little edge. The thumb rule of making it big is - don't do what everybody else is doing. As a beginner, it's natural for you to align your interests with what the public opinion is. However, note that your dream of making sports betting a major contributor to your financial independence plan is contingent on you identifying your style, original way of thinking, and above all, not following the herd.
Manage Your Bankroll.
This is the oldest and yet the most useful tip you will ever encounter. To void betting with money you can??™t afford to lose, manage your bankroll like a pro. If you have a budget of $500 for betting through the NFL, make sure you keep each bet pegged at anything between 1 to 5% of the bankroll. This helps you avoid catastrophic situations of losing a lot, or ending up chasing losses only to end in debt.
Do Your Homework.
Here's a school lesson, back to haunt (just kidding) you. Luck will help you win every now and then, but not always. Remember, most sports bettors don't do any kind of research before they place their bets. This means that every incremental effort you put in analysis and background research will put you ahead of hundreds (if not thousands) of fellow sports bettors. Here's the minimum that you can do, to begin with:- Understand the strategic aspects of the sports you are following for sports betting.
Subscribe to at least 2 newsletters dedicated to a sport (ideally, these newsletters should be competitors) Invest time in learning the basics of statistics to be able to make informed decisions when confused Record your sports betting choices and their outcomes, to be able to make course corrections when need Bookmark a sports betting resource website like Bet-Bonuscode, which offers tremendous insight from the world of sports betting, including strategies and news.
Devise A Strategy, and Stick With It.
Much like everything, sports betting is often overcomplicated. It's too tempting to explain all kinds of outcomes with all kinds of theories. You'd do well to distance yourself from non-value adding analysis and theorization. Selection bias, model over fitting, and over optimization (among others) are cardinal sins of sports betting that can hurt your chances. Instead, be confident of your strategy, and give it time to yield results. Of course, you'd need to keep monitoring outcomes and doing course corrections, without significantly altering your core strategy. Do not fixate on numbers. A simple strategy backed by intuitive logic is your strongest asset.
Don??™t Fall For Baits.
Take it from us, you will never be too far from a sports betting website that will sell you a dummy. Then, if you also manage some part of your sports betting offline, you??™ve got to be well aware of the pitfalls. Sadly, there is a lot going around in the cyber-sphere that can disrupt the activities of straight thinking sports betting enthusiasts. Websites try to lure bettors by floating unrealistic bonuses and special promotions, only to cut them a shady deal later on. The thumb rule to remember is ??“ background research. Before you decide to join a sports betting network, before you decide to follow an expert??™s quick course in sports betting, do your homework, read reviews, look for demos.
Final Thoughts.
Sports betting is exciting, rewarding, and entertaining. Adopt all these basic tips and tactics, and you will not only enjoy sports betting more, but will also earn more from your adventures, and will stay safe and secure from scammers. Remember, sports betting is best managed on strong grounds of financial discipline, and must be backed by your willingness to invest time and thought in bettering your understanding of sports.

What is the Most Profitable Betting Strategy?
We placed and tracked the success of 5 popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets to determine which is the most profitable. The Proportional Betting system and the Fixed Amount Betting system were the only ones to avoid losses in our simulation.
Betting strategies or systems (also known as ???staking formulas???) work by providing bettors with instructions to follow in order to maximize earnings and reduce losses. Some work by betting more when you win, while others work by betting less as you lose.
Which betting strategy is the most profitable? In this article, we tested some of the most popular betting strategies to try and determine which is the best and which ones you should stay away from.
Our friends at BookMaker.eu provided us with a test account to run our simulations. We placed and tracked the success of five popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets. Here are the results.
The graph below shows the profit from 500 bets for the five betting systems (with a 55% probability of winning each bet). Except for the ???Bet it All??™ method, which had an initial bet of $1,000, the initial bet for each other system was $100. Each system started with a $1,000 balance, and the simulation ran for 500 bets or until the balance was zero.
Betting Strategy A: Bet It All.
This system involves you betting your entire balance on every bet. The advantage is that if you win, you win big. Conversely, if you lose, you lose it all.
Betting Strategy B: Martingale System.
The Martingale system has you double your bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus a profit equal to the original bet. For example, say you started with a $100 bet and lose. You would then double your bet and continue doubling each bet until you finally win ($100, $200, and so on.). By the time you reach your fifth bet, you??™d be risking $1,600. The Martingale betting strategy is seen as a sure thing by some since a gambler with an unlimited bankroll will eventually win.
The exponential growth of the bets in order to cover losses will eventually bankrupt all gamblers who use this system since no one has an unlimited bankroll. Also, every casino or sportsbook has a betting limit on the amount they will accept that will almost certainly be reached before the gambler wins.
Betting Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting.
This system requires you to bet a fixed amount on each bet. In our case, it is $100. With a 55% probability of winning, this method means you won??™t lose your entire balance quickly but it also means your chance of losing will be slow but certain.
Betting Strategy D: Proportional Betting.
Proportional betting systems require betting a portion of your bankroll and then increasing your bets by that same percentage after each win.
For example, if you had a $1000 bankroll and bet 10%, you??™d bet $100 the first time. If you won, you??™d add your winnings and find 10% of your new total for the next wager. For instance, if you won $200 you would add this to the $1,000. You then calculate 10% of $1200, which is $120.
This means winnings increase quicker than in the fixed-wager system, and losses slow down.
Betting Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence.
Using this methodology, you??™ll increase your bets in a Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence are numbers in the following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,??¦
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
As an example, lets say your first bet is $100 or 1 unit. You lose. You then place your second bet, also $100 or 1 unit. You lose again. Place your third bet, $200 or 2 units. Now you win. So you move down 1 unit to $100 or 1 unit.
This method has similar drawbacks to the Martingale system, but it reduces how quickly the bet increases if you??™re on a losing streak,as well as reducing the rate at which you win.
Which Is the Most Profitable Betting Method?
And the winner is??¦
Strategy D: Proportional Betting ??“ $19,275 Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting ??“ $6,600 Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy B: Martingale System ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy A: Bet it All ??“ $0 (busted on bet 2)
Strategy D, the proportionate betting system, resulted in the greatest profits, earning $19,275 after 500 bets. This makes sense, since proportional betting has a natural mathematical advantage over the others betting systems.
For example, say your bankroll is down to only $100. You would then bet $10 and decrease each time, keeping you in the game for much longer than a fixed betting system, where your last $100 would be your last bet.
The only system other than proportional betting to avoid losses in our simulation was Fixed Amount Betting (Strategy C), earning $6,600 after 500 bets.
The Bet it All system (Strategy A), generated big gains after the first bet. It earned as much in one risk than the other systems did in their first seven. However, this strategy is quickly eliminated on just the second round of betting. The odds of making it through all 500 rounds at 55% is almost impossible. If you did manage to do so, you would have earned $67 billion by the 27th bet.
The Martingale (Strategy B) and Fibonacci Sequence (Strategy E) betting systems also started strong, but long sequences of losses quickly increased the required stake resulting in losing it all.
In our simulation of betting online, we lost 12 times in a row at round 81. These losses completely wiped out both Fibonacci and Martingale??™s bankrolls. In fact, at the 12th consecutive loss in-a-row, the Martingale bettor had to bet $405,000 to recoup his losses.
That was impossible, since his maximum balance was only $6,500. For Fibonacci, the maximum bet was $34,500, with his balance reaching its maximum at $4,300 before busting out.
The 12-bet losing streak also affected Proportional Betting (Strategy D) greatly, reducing its winnings from $8,369 to $3,276 ??“ lower than that of Fixed Betting (Strategy C). This shows how well fixed betting protects your winnings and thus ranks as one of our best betting systems.
Which Betting Strategy Should You Choose?
In our simulation, its clear that Proportional betting is the only system that you should use. Keep in mind, however, that our simulation is based on the assumptions that we know both the edge and that the edge is in our favor ??“ a 55% probability of winning each bet. Without those assumptions, the results for our betting strategy test would have change significantly.
Regardless, we still feel that Proportional Betting is the best staking formula of all the systems we tested. Not only because of the results, but because it??™s a system that??™s easy to use and calculate.
If you liked this simulation, check out some more betting tips:

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2 379

Re : 12 inch aluminum square box truss



?»?Sports Betting Strategy.
Making money betting on sports can be tough, but there are a lot of sports bettors who consistently win, and there are even a lot of professional bettors who make a good living off of sports betting. On this page you will find sports betting strategy and tips to help you become one of the winning bettors.
Below I talk about the basic sports betting strategies for beginner bettors, but if you are more experienced you can check out the advanced sports betting strategy articles towards the bottom of this page.
The Basics To Sports Betting Strategy.
In order to help yourself make money or a profit from sports betting there are a couple of basic strategies or tips you will want to understand and follow. None of these sports betting strategies are secrets by any means, but following them will help you win money betting on sports.
The bettors who don??™t follow any of these strategies are often referred to as ???squares??? and those are the type of bettors that the sportsbooks will make their profits from.
#1 Money Management/Bankroll Management.
When you are betting on sports you should always set aside a certain amount of money, which we refer to as your ???bankroll???, in which you can afford to lose. Like with any type of gambling, you never want to bet betting on sports with money you cannot afford to lose. Set aside a certain amount of money that you can use for your bankroll for the week, the month, or the season. A general sports betting strategy for money management is to only make bets with 1%-5% of your bankroll. For example, if your bankroll for the NFL season was $1,000 you would be making $10-$50 bets on each NFL game you wanted to bet on. It is also very important that you do not chase your loses with bigger bets. It is common for some sports bettors to be down money and feel in order to win it back they need to increase the size of their bets. This is putting yourself in the wrong mindset and will often lead to you losing even more money. Work with the size of your bankroll, and look to slowly increase it over the length of the season.
Here??™s a video going over Bankroll Management strategies for sports betting:
#2 Bet Sober and Don??™t Go on Tilt.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you??™d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don??™t think so. I don??™t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor.
The second part of this tips is ???Don??™t Go on Tilt???. Going on tilt or ???tilting??? is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn??™t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
#3 Do Your Homework.
This is maybe the most important sports betting strategy. You will always want to do your research before placing your bets. Although going with your hunch when betting your favorite sport may work some of the time, in the long run it will not lead to you winning money betting on sports. In order to profit from sports betting you will need to research, study, and do your homework for each pick you make. Look at stats, find trends, create sports betting systems, analyze past games ??“ basically do everything you could possibly do to ensure you have value in your pick before you place your wager.
#4 Line Shopping.
A very big step to becoming a winning sports bettor is to make sure you are shopping for the best lines. What this means is that you will have to have an account at a couple of different online sportsbooks and when you are ready to make a bet on a certain team or outcome you check the different sportsbooks and find which book is offering the best line for you (this ties in with our advanced how to find max value article). For example, if you are looking to bet on the New England Patriots on a 7 point spread, you would want to check a couple different sportsbooks to see if any of them are offering the Patriots at 6.5 points, or at the very least find the best price you can get them at 7 points at. Over the course of a sport betting season you can win yourself a lot of money from shopping the lines that would otherwise would not be one. Line shopping is definitely one of the best sports betting strategies used by winning sports bettors. To see a list of sportsbooks we recommend signing up for visit our Online Betting Sites section.
I??™ve created a line shopping video and posted it on YouTube (seen below):
#5 Avoid Buying Points.
Other Sports Betting Strategies and Myths.
Above are the four main basic strategies you will want to follow in order to become a winning sports bettor, but there are a couple of other tips you can use to help you win money.
For one, you can try following a sports handicapper who is using a proven sports betting system. Be careful of scammers out there though. If they don??™t show their past records long term plus proof I would pass, and in most cases I wouldn??™t be paying for picks at all.
An old sports betting strategy is to bet on home underdogs. The theory is that teams are usually more inspired to play at home, and they will often not fold if they are down like they may when on the road. Betting home dogs in the past could have made you money, but this isn??™t true as much anymore. You can read the current betting market article to learn why.
The last tip I have for you is to try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. Check out the video below that I made titled ???When To Place Your Bets???.

Time Tested Sports Betting Strategies.
Entrepreneur's New Year??™s Guide.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
Do a quick Google search, and you will be swamped by dozens of websites that will promise to equip you with sports betting strategies that will make you invincible. You've got statisticians, marketers, betting experts, strategy consultants, mathematicians, and a lot of others, each proclaiming to have hit upon the elusive success formula that can help you beat the odds and regularly rake in thousands in winnings, week after week. Are all these 'experts' worth following? Ask yourself, do you have the time and mind-space to do so? These strategies, tips, and tactics will help you maximize your winnings, stay safe and secure, and above all, enjoy your sports betting.
Keep An Edge in Whatever Sports Betting You Do.
There's a reason why it's called sports betting, and not sports gambling. That's because you can have an edge in your adventures in sports betting, unlike gambling, where you are always operating at a disadvantage, or playing with very little edge. The thumb rule of making it big is - don't do what everybody else is doing. As a beginner, it's natural for you to align your interests with what the public opinion is. However, note that your dream of making sports betting a major contributor to your financial independence plan is contingent on you identifying your style, original way of thinking, and above all, not following the herd.
Manage Your Bankroll.
This is the oldest and yet the most useful tip you will ever encounter. To void betting with money you can??™t afford to lose, manage your bankroll like a pro. If you have a budget of $500 for betting through the NFL, make sure you keep each bet pegged at anything between 1 to 5% of the bankroll. This helps you avoid catastrophic situations of losing a lot, or ending up chasing losses only to end in debt.
Do Your Homework.
Here's a school lesson, back to haunt (just kidding) you. Luck will help you win every now and then, but not always. Remember, most sports bettors don't do any kind of research before they place their bets. This means that every incremental effort you put in analysis and background research will put you ahead of hundreds (if not thousands) of fellow sports bettors. Here's the minimum that you can do, to begin with:- Understand the strategic aspects of the sports you are following for sports betting.
Subscribe to at least 2 newsletters dedicated to a sport (ideally, these newsletters should be competitors) Invest time in learning the basics of statistics to be able to make informed decisions when confused Record your sports betting choices and their outcomes, to be able to make course corrections when need Bookmark a sports betting resource website like Bet-Bonuscode, which offers tremendous insight from the world of sports betting, including strategies and news.
Devise A Strategy, and Stick With It.
Much like everything, sports betting is often overcomplicated. It's too tempting to explain all kinds of outcomes with all kinds of theories. You'd do well to distance yourself from non-value adding analysis and theorization. Selection bias, model over fitting, and over optimization (among others) are cardinal sins of sports betting that can hurt your chances. Instead, be confident of your strategy, and give it time to yield results. Of course, you'd need to keep monitoring outcomes and doing course corrections, without significantly altering your core strategy. Do not fixate on numbers. A simple strategy backed by intuitive logic is your strongest asset.
Don??™t Fall For Baits.
Take it from us, you will never be too far from a sports betting website that will sell you a dummy. Then, if you also manage some part of your sports betting offline, you??™ve got to be well aware of the pitfalls. Sadly, there is a lot going around in the cyber-sphere that can disrupt the activities of straight thinking sports betting enthusiasts. Websites try to lure bettors by floating unrealistic bonuses and special promotions, only to cut them a shady deal later on. The thumb rule to remember is ??“ background research. Before you decide to join a sports betting network, before you decide to follow an expert??™s quick course in sports betting, do your homework, read reviews, look for demos.
Final Thoughts.
Sports betting is exciting, rewarding, and entertaining. Adopt all these basic tips and tactics, and you will not only enjoy sports betting more, but will also earn more from your adventures, and will stay safe and secure from scammers. Remember, sports betting is best managed on strong grounds of financial discipline, and must be backed by your willingness to invest time and thought in bettering your understanding of sports.

What is the Most Profitable Betting Strategy?
We placed and tracked the success of 5 popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets to determine which is the most profitable. The Proportional Betting system and the Fixed Amount Betting system were the only ones to avoid losses in our simulation.
Betting strategies or systems (also known as ???staking formulas???) work by providing bettors with instructions to follow in order to maximize earnings and reduce losses. Some work by betting more when you win, while others work by betting less as you lose.
Which betting strategy is the most profitable? In this article, we tested some of the most popular betting strategies to try and determine which is the best and which ones you should stay away from.
Our friends at BookMaker.eu provided us with a test account to run our simulations. We placed and tracked the success of five popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets. Here are the results.
The graph below shows the profit from 500 bets for the five betting systems (with a 55% probability of winning each bet). Except for the ???Bet it All??™ method, which had an initial bet of $1,000, the initial bet for each other system was $100. Each system started with a $1,000 balance, and the simulation ran for 500 bets or until the balance was zero.
Betting Strategy A: Bet It All.
This system involves you betting your entire balance on every bet. The advantage is that if you win, you win big. Conversely, if you lose, you lose it all.
Betting Strategy B: Martingale System.
The Martingale system has you double your bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus a profit equal to the original bet. For example, say you started with a $100 bet and lose. You would then double your bet and continue doubling each bet until you finally win ($100, $200, and so on.). By the time you reach your fifth bet, you??™d be risking $1,600. The Martingale betting strategy is seen as a sure thing by some since a gambler with an unlimited bankroll will eventually win.
The exponential growth of the bets in order to cover losses will eventually bankrupt all gamblers who use this system since no one has an unlimited bankroll. Also, every casino or sportsbook has a betting limit on the amount they will accept that will almost certainly be reached before the gambler wins.
Betting Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting.
This system requires you to bet a fixed amount on each bet. In our case, it is $100. With a 55% probability of winning, this method means you won??™t lose your entire balance quickly but it also means your chance of losing will be slow but certain.
Betting Strategy D: Proportional Betting.
Proportional betting systems require betting a portion of your bankroll and then increasing your bets by that same percentage after each win.
For example, if you had a $1000 bankroll and bet 10%, you??™d bet $100 the first time. If you won, you??™d add your winnings and find 10% of your new total for the next wager. For instance, if you won $200 you would add this to the $1,000. You then calculate 10% of $1200, which is $120.
This means winnings increase quicker than in the fixed-wager system, and losses slow down.
Betting Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence.
Using this methodology, you??™ll increase your bets in a Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence are numbers in the following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,??¦
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
As an example, lets say your first bet is $100 or 1 unit. You lose. You then place your second bet, also $100 or 1 unit. You lose again. Place your third bet, $200 or 2 units. Now you win. So you move down 1 unit to $100 or 1 unit.
This method has similar drawbacks to the Martingale system, but it reduces how quickly the bet increases if you??™re on a losing streak,as well as reducing the rate at which you win.
Which Is the Most Profitable Betting Method?
And the winner is??¦
Strategy D: Proportional Betting ??“ $19,275 Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting ??“ $6,600 Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy B: Martingale System ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy A: Bet it All ??“ $0 (busted on bet 2)
Strategy D, the proportionate betting system, resulted in the greatest profits, earning $19,275 after 500 bets. This makes sense, since proportional betting has a natural mathematical advantage over the others betting systems.
For example, say your bankroll is down to only $100. You would then bet $10 and decrease each time, keeping you in the game for much longer than a fixed betting system, where your last $100 would be your last bet.
The only system other than proportional betting to avoid losses in our simulation was Fixed Amount Betting (Strategy C), earning $6,600 after 500 bets.
The Bet it All system (Strategy A), generated big gains after the first bet. It earned as much in one risk than the other systems did in their first seven. However, this strategy is quickly eliminated on just the second round of betting. The odds of making it through all 500 rounds at 55% is almost impossible. If you did manage to do so, you would have earned $67 billion by the 27th bet.
The Martingale (Strategy B) and Fibonacci Sequence (Strategy E) betting systems also started strong, but long sequences of losses quickly increased the required stake resulting in losing it all.
In our simulation of betting online, we lost 12 times in a row at round 81. These losses completely wiped out both Fibonacci and Martingale??™s bankrolls. In fact, at the 12th consecutive loss in-a-row, the Martingale bettor had to bet $405,000 to recoup his losses.
That was impossible, since his maximum balance was only $6,500. For Fibonacci, the maximum bet was $34,500, with his balance reaching its maximum at $4,300 before busting out.
The 12-bet losing streak also affected Proportional Betting (Strategy D) greatly, reducing its winnings from $8,369 to $3,276 ??“ lower than that of Fixed Betting (Strategy C). This shows how well fixed betting protects your winnings and thus ranks as one of our best betting systems.
Which Betting Strategy Should You Choose?
In our simulation, its clear that Proportional betting is the only system that you should use. Keep in mind, however, that our simulation is based on the assumptions that we know both the edge and that the edge is in our favor ??“ a 55% probability of winning each bet. Without those assumptions, the results for our betting strategy test would have change significantly.
Regardless, we still feel that Proportional Betting is the best staking formula of all the systems we tested. Not only because of the results, but because it??™s a system that??™s easy to use and calculate.
If you liked this simulation, check out some more betting tips:

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?»?Sports Betting Strategy.
Making money betting on sports can be tough, but there are a lot of sports bettors who consistently win, and there are even a lot of professional bettors who make a good living off of sports betting. On this page you will find sports betting strategy and tips to help you become one of the winning bettors.
Below I talk about the basic sports betting strategies for beginner bettors, but if you are more experienced you can check out the advanced sports betting strategy articles towards the bottom of this page.
The Basics To Sports Betting Strategy.
In order to help yourself make money or a profit from sports betting there are a couple of basic strategies or tips you will want to understand and follow. None of these sports betting strategies are secrets by any means, but following them will help you win money betting on sports.
The bettors who don??™t follow any of these strategies are often referred to as ???squares??? and those are the type of bettors that the sportsbooks will make their profits from.
#1 Money Management/Bankroll Management.
When you are betting on sports you should always set aside a certain amount of money, which we refer to as your ???bankroll???, in which you can afford to lose. Like with any type of gambling, you never want to bet betting on sports with money you cannot afford to lose. Set aside a certain amount of money that you can use for your bankroll for the week, the month, or the season. A general sports betting strategy for money management is to only make bets with 1%-5% of your bankroll. For example, if your bankroll for the NFL season was $1,000 you would be making $10-$50 bets on each NFL game you wanted to bet on. It is also very important that you do not chase your loses with bigger bets. It is common for some sports bettors to be down money and feel in order to win it back they need to increase the size of their bets. This is putting yourself in the wrong mindset and will often lead to you losing even more money. Work with the size of your bankroll, and look to slowly increase it over the length of the season.
Here??™s a video going over Bankroll Management strategies for sports betting:
#2 Bet Sober and Don??™t Go on Tilt.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you??™d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don??™t think so. I don??™t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor.
The second part of this tips is ???Don??™t Go on Tilt???. Going on tilt or ???tilting??? is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn??™t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
#3 Do Your Homework.
This is maybe the most important sports betting strategy. You will always want to do your research before placing your bets. Although going with your hunch when betting your favorite sport may work some of the time, in the long run it will not lead to you winning money betting on sports. In order to profit from sports betting you will need to research, study, and do your homework for each pick you make. Look at stats, find trends, create sports betting systems, analyze past games ??“ basically do everything you could possibly do to ensure you have value in your pick before you place your wager.
#4 Line Shopping.
A very big step to becoming a winning sports bettor is to make sure you are shopping for the best lines. What this means is that you will have to have an account at a couple of different online sportsbooks and when you are ready to make a bet on a certain team or outcome you check the different sportsbooks and find which book is offering the best line for you (this ties in with our advanced how to find max value article). For example, if you are looking to bet on the New England Patriots on a 7 point spread, you would want to check a couple different sportsbooks to see if any of them are offering the Patriots at 6.5 points, or at the very least find the best price you can get them at 7 points at. Over the course of a sport betting season you can win yourself a lot of money from shopping the lines that would otherwise would not be one. Line shopping is definitely one of the best sports betting strategies used by winning sports bettors. To see a list of sportsbooks we recommend signing up for visit our Online Betting Sites section.
I??™ve created a line shopping video and posted it on YouTube (seen below):
#5 Avoid Buying Points.
Other Sports Betting Strategies and Myths.
Above are the four main basic strategies you will want to follow in order to become a winning sports bettor, but there are a couple of other tips you can use to help you win money.
For one, you can try following a sports handicapper who is using a proven sports betting system. Be careful of scammers out there though. If they don??™t show their past records long term plus proof I would pass, and in most cases I wouldn??™t be paying for picks at all.
An old sports betting strategy is to bet on home underdogs. The theory is that teams are usually more inspired to play at home, and they will often not fold if they are down like they may when on the road. Betting home dogs in the past could have made you money, but this isn??™t true as much anymore. You can read the current betting market article to learn why.
The last tip I have for you is to try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. Check out the video below that I made titled ???When To Place Your Bets???.

Time Tested Sports Betting Strategies.
Entrepreneur's New Year??™s Guide.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
Do a quick Google search, and you will be swamped by dozens of websites that will promise to equip you with sports betting strategies that will make you invincible. You've got statisticians, marketers, betting experts, strategy consultants, mathematicians, and a lot of others, each proclaiming to have hit upon the elusive success formula that can help you beat the odds and regularly rake in thousands in winnings, week after week. Are all these 'experts' worth following? Ask yourself, do you have the time and mind-space to do so? These strategies, tips, and tactics will help you maximize your winnings, stay safe and secure, and above all, enjoy your sports betting.
Keep An Edge in Whatever Sports Betting You Do.
There's a reason why it's called sports betting, and not sports gambling. That's because you can have an edge in your adventures in sports betting, unlike gambling, where you are always operating at a disadvantage, or playing with very little edge. The thumb rule of making it big is - don't do what everybody else is doing. As a beginner, it's natural for you to align your interests with what the public opinion is. However, note that your dream of making sports betting a major contributor to your financial independence plan is contingent on you identifying your style, original way of thinking, and above all, not following the herd.
Manage Your Bankroll.
This is the oldest and yet the most useful tip you will ever encounter. To void betting with money you can??™t afford to lose, manage your bankroll like a pro. If you have a budget of $500 for betting through the NFL, make sure you keep each bet pegged at anything between 1 to 5% of the bankroll. This helps you avoid catastrophic situations of losing a lot, or ending up chasing losses only to end in debt.
Do Your Homework.
Here's a school lesson, back to haunt (just kidding) you. Luck will help you win every now and then, but not always. Remember, most sports bettors don't do any kind of research before they place their bets. This means that every incremental effort you put in analysis and background research will put you ahead of hundreds (if not thousands) of fellow sports bettors. Here's the minimum that you can do, to begin with:- Understand the strategic aspects of the sports you are following for sports betting.
Subscribe to at least 2 newsletters dedicated to a sport (ideally, these newsletters should be competitors) Invest time in learning the basics of statistics to be able to make informed decisions when confused Record your sports betting choices and their outcomes, to be able to make course corrections when need Bookmark a sports betting resource website like Bet-Bonuscode, which offers tremendous insight from the world of sports betting, including strategies and news.
Devise A Strategy, and Stick With It.
Much like everything, sports betting is often overcomplicated. It's too tempting to explain all kinds of outcomes with all kinds of theories. You'd do well to distance yourself from non-value adding analysis and theorization. Selection bias, model over fitting, and over optimization (among others) are cardinal sins of sports betting that can hurt your chances. Instead, be confident of your strategy, and give it time to yield results. Of course, you'd need to keep monitoring outcomes and doing course corrections, without significantly altering your core strategy. Do not fixate on numbers. A simple strategy backed by intuitive logic is your strongest asset.
Don??™t Fall For Baits.
Take it from us, you will never be too far from a sports betting website that will sell you a dummy. Then, if you also manage some part of your sports betting offline, you??™ve got to be well aware of the pitfalls. Sadly, there is a lot going around in the cyber-sphere that can disrupt the activities of straight thinking sports betting enthusiasts. Websites try to lure bettors by floating unrealistic bonuses and special promotions, only to cut them a shady deal later on. The thumb rule to remember is ??“ background research. Before you decide to join a sports betting network, before you decide to follow an expert??™s quick course in sports betting, do your homework, read reviews, look for demos.
Final Thoughts.
Sports betting is exciting, rewarding, and entertaining. Adopt all these basic tips and tactics, and you will not only enjoy sports betting more, but will also earn more from your adventures, and will stay safe and secure from scammers. Remember, sports betting is best managed on strong grounds of financial discipline, and must be backed by your willingness to invest time and thought in bettering your understanding of sports.

What is the Most Profitable Betting Strategy?
We placed and tracked the success of 5 popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets to determine which is the most profitable. The Proportional Betting system and the Fixed Amount Betting system were the only ones to avoid losses in our simulation.
Betting strategies or systems (also known as ???staking formulas???) work by providing bettors with instructions to follow in order to maximize earnings and reduce losses. Some work by betting more when you win, while others work by betting less as you lose.
Which betting strategy is the most profitable? In this article, we tested some of the most popular betting strategies to try and determine which is the best and which ones you should stay away from.
Our friends at BookMaker.eu provided us with a test account to run our simulations. We placed and tracked the success of five popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets. Here are the results.
The graph below shows the profit from 500 bets for the five betting systems (with a 55% probability of winning each bet). Except for the ???Bet it All??™ method, which had an initial bet of $1,000, the initial bet for each other system was $100. Each system started with a $1,000 balance, and the simulation ran for 500 bets or until the balance was zero.
Betting Strategy A: Bet It All.
This system involves you betting your entire balance on every bet. The advantage is that if you win, you win big. Conversely, if you lose, you lose it all.
Betting Strategy B: Martingale System.
The Martingale system has you double your bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus a profit equal to the original bet. For example, say you started with a $100 bet and lose. You would then double your bet and continue doubling each bet until you finally win ($100, $200, and so on.). By the time you reach your fifth bet, you??™d be risking $1,600. The Martingale betting strategy is seen as a sure thing by some since a gambler with an unlimited bankroll will eventually win.
The exponential growth of the bets in order to cover losses will eventually bankrupt all gamblers who use this system since no one has an unlimited bankroll. Also, every casino or sportsbook has a betting limit on the amount they will accept that will almost certainly be reached before the gambler wins.
Betting Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting.
This system requires you to bet a fixed amount on each bet. In our case, it is $100. With a 55% probability of winning, this method means you won??™t lose your entire balance quickly but it also means your chance of losing will be slow but certain.
Betting Strategy D: Proportional Betting.
Proportional betting systems require betting a portion of your bankroll and then increasing your bets by that same percentage after each win.
For example, if you had a $1000 bankroll and bet 10%, you??™d bet $100 the first time. If you won, you??™d add your winnings and find 10% of your new total for the next wager. For instance, if you won $200 you would add this to the $1,000. You then calculate 10% of $1200, which is $120.
This means winnings increase quicker than in the fixed-wager system, and losses slow down.
Betting Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence.
Using this methodology, you??™ll increase your bets in a Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence are numbers in the following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,??¦
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
As an example, lets say your first bet is $100 or 1 unit. You lose. You then place your second bet, also $100 or 1 unit. You lose again. Place your third bet, $200 or 2 units. Now you win. So you move down 1 unit to $100 or 1 unit.
This method has similar drawbacks to the Martingale system, but it reduces how quickly the bet increases if you??™re on a losing streak,as well as reducing the rate at which you win.
Which Is the Most Profitable Betting Method?
And the winner is??¦
Strategy D: Proportional Betting ??“ $19,275 Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting ??“ $6,600 Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy B: Martingale System ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy A: Bet it All ??“ $0 (busted on bet 2)
Strategy D, the proportionate betting system, resulted in the greatest profits, earning $19,275 after 500 bets. This makes sense, since proportional betting has a natural mathematical advantage over the others betting systems.
For example, say your bankroll is down to only $100. You would then bet $10 and decrease each time, keeping you in the game for much longer than a fixed betting system, where your last $100 would be your last bet.
The only system other than proportional betting to avoid losses in our simulation was Fixed Amount Betting (Strategy C), earning $6,600 after 500 bets.
The Bet it All system (Strategy A), generated big gains after the first bet. It earned as much in one risk than the other systems did in their first seven. However, this strategy is quickly eliminated on just the second round of betting. The odds of making it through all 500 rounds at 55% is almost impossible. If you did manage to do so, you would have earned $67 billion by the 27th bet.
The Martingale (Strategy B) and Fibonacci Sequence (Strategy E) betting systems also started strong, but long sequences of losses quickly increased the required stake resulting in losing it all.
In our simulation of betting online, we lost 12 times in a row at round 81. These losses completely wiped out both Fibonacci and Martingale??™s bankrolls. In fact, at the 12th consecutive loss in-a-row, the Martingale bettor had to bet $405,000 to recoup his losses.
That was impossible, since his maximum balance was only $6,500. For Fibonacci, the maximum bet was $34,500, with his balance reaching its maximum at $4,300 before busting out.
The 12-bet losing streak also affected Proportional Betting (Strategy D) greatly, reducing its winnings from $8,369 to $3,276 ??“ lower than that of Fixed Betting (Strategy C). This shows how well fixed betting protects your winnings and thus ranks as one of our best betting systems.
Which Betting Strategy Should You Choose?
In our simulation, its clear that Proportional betting is the only system that you should use. Keep in mind, however, that our simulation is based on the assumptions that we know both the edge and that the edge is in our favor ??“ a 55% probability of winning each bet. Without those assumptions, the results for our betting strategy test would have change significantly.
Regardless, we still feel that Proportional Betting is the best staking formula of all the systems we tested. Not only because of the results, but because it??™s a system that??™s easy to use and calculate.
If you liked this simulation, check out some more betting tips:

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?»?Sports Betting Strategy.
Making money betting on sports can be tough, but there are a lot of sports bettors who consistently win, and there are even a lot of professional bettors who make a good living off of sports betting. On this page you will find sports betting strategy and tips to help you become one of the winning bettors.
Below I talk about the basic sports betting strategies for beginner bettors, but if you are more experienced you can check out the advanced sports betting strategy articles towards the bottom of this page.
The Basics To Sports Betting Strategy.
In order to help yourself make money or a profit from sports betting there are a couple of basic strategies or tips you will want to understand and follow. None of these sports betting strategies are secrets by any means, but following them will help you win money betting on sports.
The bettors who don??™t follow any of these strategies are often referred to as ???squares??? and those are the type of bettors that the sportsbooks will make their profits from.
#1 Money Management/Bankroll Management.
When you are betting on sports you should always set aside a certain amount of money, which we refer to as your ???bankroll???, in which you can afford to lose. Like with any type of gambling, you never want to bet betting on sports with money you cannot afford to lose. Set aside a certain amount of money that you can use for your bankroll for the week, the month, or the season. A general sports betting strategy for money management is to only make bets with 1%-5% of your bankroll. For example, if your bankroll for the NFL season was $1,000 you would be making $10-$50 bets on each NFL game you wanted to bet on. It is also very important that you do not chase your loses with bigger bets. It is common for some sports bettors to be down money and feel in order to win it back they need to increase the size of their bets. This is putting yourself in the wrong mindset and will often lead to you losing even more money. Work with the size of your bankroll, and look to slowly increase it over the length of the season.
Here??™s a video going over Bankroll Management strategies for sports betting:
#2 Bet Sober and Don??™t Go on Tilt.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you??™d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don??™t think so. I don??™t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor.
The second part of this tips is ???Don??™t Go on Tilt???. Going on tilt or ???tilting??? is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn??™t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
#3 Do Your Homework.
This is maybe the most important sports betting strategy. You will always want to do your research before placing your bets. Although going with your hunch when betting your favorite sport may work some of the time, in the long run it will not lead to you winning money betting on sports. In order to profit from sports betting you will need to research, study, and do your homework for each pick you make. Look at stats, find trends, create sports betting systems, analyze past games ??“ basically do everything you could possibly do to ensure you have value in your pick before you place your wager.
#4 Line Shopping.
A very big step to becoming a winning sports bettor is to make sure you are shopping for the best lines. What this means is that you will have to have an account at a couple of different online sportsbooks and when you are ready to make a bet on a certain team or outcome you check the different sportsbooks and find which book is offering the best line for you (this ties in with our advanced how to find max value article). For example, if you are looking to bet on the New England Patriots on a 7 point spread, you would want to check a couple different sportsbooks to see if any of them are offering the Patriots at 6.5 points, or at the very least find the best price you can get them at 7 points at. Over the course of a sport betting season you can win yourself a lot of money from shopping the lines that would otherwise would not be one. Line shopping is definitely one of the best sports betting strategies used by winning sports bettors. To see a list of sportsbooks we recommend signing up for visit our Online Betting Sites section.
I??™ve created a line shopping video and posted it on YouTube (seen below):
#5 Avoid Buying Points.
Other Sports Betting Strategies and Myths.
Above are the four main basic strategies you will want to follow in order to become a winning sports bettor, but there are a couple of other tips you can use to help you win money.
For one, you can try following a sports handicapper who is using a proven sports betting system. Be careful of scammers out there though. If they don??™t show their past records long term plus proof I would pass, and in most cases I wouldn??™t be paying for picks at all.
An old sports betting strategy is to bet on home underdogs. The theory is that teams are usually more inspired to play at home, and they will often not fold if they are down like they may when on the road. Betting home dogs in the past could have made you money, but this isn??™t true as much anymore. You can read the current betting market article to learn why.
The last tip I have for you is to try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. Check out the video below that I made titled ???When To Place Your Bets???.

Time Tested Sports Betting Strategies.
Entrepreneur's New Year??™s Guide.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
Do a quick Google search, and you will be swamped by dozens of websites that will promise to equip you with sports betting strategies that will make you invincible. You've got statisticians, marketers, betting experts, strategy consultants, mathematicians, and a lot of others, each proclaiming to have hit upon the elusive success formula that can help you beat the odds and regularly rake in thousands in winnings, week after week. Are all these 'experts' worth following? Ask yourself, do you have the time and mind-space to do so? These strategies, tips, and tactics will help you maximize your winnings, stay safe and secure, and above all, enjoy your sports betting.
Keep An Edge in Whatever Sports Betting You Do.
There's a reason why it's called sports betting, and not sports gambling. That's because you can have an edge in your adventures in sports betting, unlike gambling, where you are always operating at a disadvantage, or playing with very little edge. The thumb rule of making it big is - don't do what everybody else is doing. As a beginner, it's natural for you to align your interests with what the public opinion is. However, note that your dream of making sports betting a major contributor to your financial independence plan is contingent on you identifying your style, original way of thinking, and above all, not following the herd.
Manage Your Bankroll.
This is the oldest and yet the most useful tip you will ever encounter. To void betting with money you can??™t afford to lose, manage your bankroll like a pro. If you have a budget of $500 for betting through the NFL, make sure you keep each bet pegged at anything between 1 to 5% of the bankroll. This helps you avoid catastrophic situations of losing a lot, or ending up chasing losses only to end in debt.
Do Your Homework.
Here's a school lesson, back to haunt (just kidding) you. Luck will help you win every now and then, but not always. Remember, most sports bettors don't do any kind of research before they place their bets. This means that every incremental effort you put in analysis and background research will put you ahead of hundreds (if not thousands) of fellow sports bettors. Here's the minimum that you can do, to begin with:- Understand the strategic aspects of the sports you are following for sports betting.
Subscribe to at least 2 newsletters dedicated to a sport (ideally, these newsletters should be competitors) Invest time in learning the basics of statistics to be able to make informed decisions when confused Record your sports betting choices and their outcomes, to be able to make course corrections when need Bookmark a sports betting resource website like Bet-Bonuscode, which offers tremendous insight from the world of sports betting, including strategies and news.
Devise A Strategy, and Stick With It.
Much like everything, sports betting is often overcomplicated. It's too tempting to explain all kinds of outcomes with all kinds of theories. You'd do well to distance yourself from non-value adding analysis and theorization. Selection bias, model over fitting, and over optimization (among others) are cardinal sins of sports betting that can hurt your chances. Instead, be confident of your strategy, and give it time to yield results. Of course, you'd need to keep monitoring outcomes and doing course corrections, without significantly altering your core strategy. Do not fixate on numbers. A simple strategy backed by intuitive logic is your strongest asset.
Don??™t Fall For Baits.
Take it from us, you will never be too far from a sports betting website that will sell you a dummy. Then, if you also manage some part of your sports betting offline, you??™ve got to be well aware of the pitfalls. Sadly, there is a lot going around in the cyber-sphere that can disrupt the activities of straight thinking sports betting enthusiasts. Websites try to lure bettors by floating unrealistic bonuses and special promotions, only to cut them a shady deal later on. The thumb rule to remember is ??“ background research. Before you decide to join a sports betting network, before you decide to follow an expert??™s quick course in sports betting, do your homework, read reviews, look for demos.
Final Thoughts.
Sports betting is exciting, rewarding, and entertaining. Adopt all these basic tips and tactics, and you will not only enjoy sports betting more, but will also earn more from your adventures, and will stay safe and secure from scammers. Remember, sports betting is best managed on strong grounds of financial discipline, and must be backed by your willingness to invest time and thought in bettering your understanding of sports.

What is the Most Profitable Betting Strategy?
We placed and tracked the success of 5 popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets to determine which is the most profitable. The Proportional Betting system and the Fixed Amount Betting system were the only ones to avoid losses in our simulation.
Betting strategies or systems (also known as ???staking formulas???) work by providing bettors with instructions to follow in order to maximize earnings and reduce losses. Some work by betting more when you win, while others work by betting less as you lose.
Which betting strategy is the most profitable? In this article, we tested some of the most popular betting strategies to try and determine which is the best and which ones you should stay away from.
Our friends at BookMaker.eu provided us with a test account to run our simulations. We placed and tracked the success of five popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets. Here are the results.
The graph below shows the profit from 500 bets for the five betting systems (with a 55% probability of winning each bet). Except for the ???Bet it All??™ method, which had an initial bet of $1,000, the initial bet for each other system was $100. Each system started with a $1,000 balance, and the simulation ran for 500 bets or until the balance was zero.
Betting Strategy A: Bet It All.
This system involves you betting your entire balance on every bet. The advantage is that if you win, you win big. Conversely, if you lose, you lose it all.
Betting Strategy B: Martingale System.
The Martingale system has you double your bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus a profit equal to the original bet. For example, say you started with a $100 bet and lose. You would then double your bet and continue doubling each bet until you finally win ($100, $200, and so on.). By the time you reach your fifth bet, you??™d be risking $1,600. The Martingale betting strategy is seen as a sure thing by some since a gambler with an unlimited bankroll will eventually win.
The exponential growth of the bets in order to cover losses will eventually bankrupt all gamblers who use this system since no one has an unlimited bankroll. Also, every casino or sportsbook has a betting limit on the amount they will accept that will almost certainly be reached before the gambler wins.
Betting Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting.
This system requires you to bet a fixed amount on each bet. In our case, it is $100. With a 55% probability of winning, this method means you won??™t lose your entire balance quickly but it also means your chance of losing will be slow but certain.
Betting Strategy D: Proportional Betting.
Proportional betting systems require betting a portion of your bankroll and then increasing your bets by that same percentage after each win.
For example, if you had a $1000 bankroll and bet 10%, you??™d bet $100 the first time. If you won, you??™d add your winnings and find 10% of your new total for the next wager. For instance, if you won $200 you would add this to the $1,000. You then calculate 10% of $1200, which is $120.
This means winnings increase quicker than in the fixed-wager system, and losses slow down.
Betting Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence.
Using this methodology, you??™ll increase your bets in a Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence are numbers in the following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,??¦
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
As an example, lets say your first bet is $100 or 1 unit. You lose. You then place your second bet, also $100 or 1 unit. You lose again. Place your third bet, $200 or 2 units. Now you win. So you move down 1 unit to $100 or 1 unit.
This method has similar drawbacks to the Martingale system, but it reduces how quickly the bet increases if you??™re on a losing streak,as well as reducing the rate at which you win.
Which Is the Most Profitable Betting Method?
And the winner is??¦
Strategy D: Proportional Betting ??“ $19,275 Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting ??“ $6,600 Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy B: Martingale System ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy A: Bet it All ??“ $0 (busted on bet 2)
Strategy D, the proportionate betting system, resulted in the greatest profits, earning $19,275 after 500 bets. This makes sense, since proportional betting has a natural mathematical advantage over the others betting systems.
For example, say your bankroll is down to only $100. You would then bet $10 and decrease each time, keeping you in the game for much longer than a fixed betting system, where your last $100 would be your last bet.
The only system other than proportional betting to avoid losses in our simulation was Fixed Amount Betting (Strategy C), earning $6,600 after 500 bets.
The Bet it All system (Strategy A), generated big gains after the first bet. It earned as much in one risk than the other systems did in their first seven. However, this strategy is quickly eliminated on just the second round of betting. The odds of making it through all 500 rounds at 55% is almost impossible. If you did manage to do so, you would have earned $67 billion by the 27th bet.
The Martingale (Strategy B) and Fibonacci Sequence (Strategy E) betting systems also started strong, but long sequences of losses quickly increased the required stake resulting in losing it all.
In our simulation of betting online, we lost 12 times in a row at round 81. These losses completely wiped out both Fibonacci and Martingale??™s bankrolls. In fact, at the 12th consecutive loss in-a-row, the Martingale bettor had to bet $405,000 to recoup his losses.
That was impossible, since his maximum balance was only $6,500. For Fibonacci, the maximum bet was $34,500, with his balance reaching its maximum at $4,300 before busting out.
The 12-bet losing streak also affected Proportional Betting (Strategy D) greatly, reducing its winnings from $8,369 to $3,276 ??“ lower than that of Fixed Betting (Strategy C). This shows how well fixed betting protects your winnings and thus ranks as one of our best betting systems.
Which Betting Strategy Should You Choose?
In our simulation, its clear that Proportional betting is the only system that you should use. Keep in mind, however, that our simulation is based on the assumptions that we know both the edge and that the edge is in our favor ??“ a 55% probability of winning each bet. Without those assumptions, the results for our betting strategy test would have change significantly.
Regardless, we still feel that Proportional Betting is the best staking formula of all the systems we tested. Not only because of the results, but because it??™s a system that??™s easy to use and calculate.
If you liked this simulation, check out some more betting tips:

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?»?Sports Betting Strategy.
Making money betting on sports can be tough, but there are a lot of sports bettors who consistently win, and there are even a lot of professional bettors who make a good living off of sports betting. On this page you will find sports betting strategy and tips to help you become one of the winning bettors.
Below I talk about the basic sports betting strategies for beginner bettors, but if you are more experienced you can check out the advanced sports betting strategy articles towards the bottom of this page.
The Basics To Sports Betting Strategy.
In order to help yourself make money or a profit from sports betting there are a couple of basic strategies or tips you will want to understand and follow. None of these sports betting strategies are secrets by any means, but following them will help you win money betting on sports.
The bettors who don??™t follow any of these strategies are often referred to as ???squares??? and those are the type of bettors that the sportsbooks will make their profits from.
#1 Money Management/Bankroll Management.
When you are betting on sports you should always set aside a certain amount of money, which we refer to as your ???bankroll???, in which you can afford to lose. Like with any type of gambling, you never want to bet betting on sports with money you cannot afford to lose. Set aside a certain amount of money that you can use for your bankroll for the week, the month, or the season. A general sports betting strategy for money management is to only make bets with 1%-5% of your bankroll. For example, if your bankroll for the NFL season was $1,000 you would be making $10-$50 bets on each NFL game you wanted to bet on. It is also very important that you do not chase your loses with bigger bets. It is common for some sports bettors to be down money and feel in order to win it back they need to increase the size of their bets. This is putting yourself in the wrong mindset and will often lead to you losing even more money. Work with the size of your bankroll, and look to slowly increase it over the length of the season.
Here??™s a video going over Bankroll Management strategies for sports betting:
#2 Bet Sober and Don??™t Go on Tilt.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you??™d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don??™t think so. I don??™t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor.
The second part of this tips is ???Don??™t Go on Tilt???. Going on tilt or ???tilting??? is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn??™t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
#3 Do Your Homework.
This is maybe the most important sports betting strategy. You will always want to do your research before placing your bets. Although going with your hunch when betting your favorite sport may work some of the time, in the long run it will not lead to you winning money betting on sports. In order to profit from sports betting you will need to research, study, and do your homework for each pick you make. Look at stats, find trends, create sports betting systems, analyze past games ??“ basically do everything you could possibly do to ensure you have value in your pick before you place your wager.
#4 Line Shopping.
A very big step to becoming a winning sports bettor is to make sure you are shopping for the best lines. What this means is that you will have to have an account at a couple of different online sportsbooks and when you are ready to make a bet on a certain team or outcome you check the different sportsbooks and find which book is offering the best line for you (this ties in with our advanced how to find max value article). For example, if you are looking to bet on the New England Patriots on a 7 point spread, you would want to check a couple different sportsbooks to see if any of them are offering the Patriots at 6.5 points, or at the very least find the best price you can get them at 7 points at. Over the course of a sport betting season you can win yourself a lot of money from shopping the lines that would otherwise would not be one. Line shopping is definitely one of the best sports betting strategies used by winning sports bettors. To see a list of sportsbooks we recommend signing up for visit our Online Betting Sites section.
I??™ve created a line shopping video and posted it on YouTube (seen below):
#5 Avoid Buying Points.
Other Sports Betting Strategies and Myths.
Above are the four main basic strategies you will want to follow in order to become a winning sports bettor, but there are a couple of other tips you can use to help you win money.
For one, you can try following a sports handicapper who is using a proven sports betting system. Be careful of scammers out there though. If they don??™t show their past records long term plus proof I would pass, and in most cases I wouldn??™t be paying for picks at all.
An old sports betting strategy is to bet on home underdogs. The theory is that teams are usually more inspired to play at home, and they will often not fold if they are down like they may when on the road. Betting home dogs in the past could have made you money, but this isn??™t true as much anymore. You can read the current betting market article to learn why.
The last tip I have for you is to try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. Check out the video below that I made titled ???When To Place Your Bets???.

Time Tested Sports Betting Strategies.
Entrepreneur's New Year??™s Guide.
You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.
Do a quick Google search, and you will be swamped by dozens of websites that will promise to equip you with sports betting strategies that will make you invincible. You've got statisticians, marketers, betting experts, strategy consultants, mathematicians, and a lot of others, each proclaiming to have hit upon the elusive success formula that can help you beat the odds and regularly rake in thousands in winnings, week after week. Are all these 'experts' worth following? Ask yourself, do you have the time and mind-space to do so? These strategies, tips, and tactics will help you maximize your winnings, stay safe and secure, and above all, enjoy your sports betting.
Keep An Edge in Whatever Sports Betting You Do.
There's a reason why it's called sports betting, and not sports gambling. That's because you can have an edge in your adventures in sports betting, unlike gambling, where you are always operating at a disadvantage, or playing with very little edge. The thumb rule of making it big is - don't do what everybody else is doing. As a beginner, it's natural for you to align your interests with what the public opinion is. However, note that your dream of making sports betting a major contributor to your financial independence plan is contingent on you identifying your style, original way of thinking, and above all, not following the herd.
Manage Your Bankroll.
This is the oldest and yet the most useful tip you will ever encounter. To void betting with money you can??™t afford to lose, manage your bankroll like a pro. If you have a budget of $500 for betting through the NFL, make sure you keep each bet pegged at anything between 1 to 5% of the bankroll. This helps you avoid catastrophic situations of losing a lot, or ending up chasing losses only to end in debt.
Do Your Homework.
Here's a school lesson, back to haunt (just kidding) you. Luck will help you win every now and then, but not always. Remember, most sports bettors don't do any kind of research before they place their bets. This means that every incremental effort you put in analysis and background research will put you ahead of hundreds (if not thousands) of fellow sports bettors. Here's the minimum that you can do, to begin with:- Understand the strategic aspects of the sports you are following for sports betting.
Subscribe to at least 2 newsletters dedicated to a sport (ideally, these newsletters should be competitors) Invest time in learning the basics of statistics to be able to make informed decisions when confused Record your sports betting choices and their outcomes, to be able to make course corrections when need Bookmark a sports betting resource website like Bet-Bonuscode, which offers tremendous insight from the world of sports betting, including strategies and news.
Devise A Strategy, and Stick With It.
Much like everything, sports betting is often overcomplicated. It's too tempting to explain all kinds of outcomes with all kinds of theories. You'd do well to distance yourself from non-value adding analysis and theorization. Selection bias, model over fitting, and over optimization (among others) are cardinal sins of sports betting that can hurt your chances. Instead, be confident of your strategy, and give it time to yield results. Of course, you'd need to keep monitoring outcomes and doing course corrections, without significantly altering your core strategy. Do not fixate on numbers. A simple strategy backed by intuitive logic is your strongest asset.
Don??™t Fall For Baits.
Take it from us, you will never be too far from a sports betting website that will sell you a dummy. Then, if you also manage some part of your sports betting offline, you??™ve got to be well aware of the pitfalls. Sadly, there is a lot going around in the cyber-sphere that can disrupt the activities of straight thinking sports betting enthusiasts. Websites try to lure bettors by floating unrealistic bonuses and special promotions, only to cut them a shady deal later on. The thumb rule to remember is ??“ background research. Before you decide to join a sports betting network, before you decide to follow an expert??™s quick course in sports betting, do your homework, read reviews, look for demos.
Final Thoughts.
Sports betting is exciting, rewarding, and entertaining. Adopt all these basic tips and tactics, and you will not only enjoy sports betting more, but will also earn more from your adventures, and will stay safe and secure from scammers. Remember, sports betting is best managed on strong grounds of financial discipline, and must be backed by your willingness to invest time and thought in bettering your understanding of sports.

What is the Most Profitable Betting Strategy?
We placed and tracked the success of 5 popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets to determine which is the most profitable. The Proportional Betting system and the Fixed Amount Betting system were the only ones to avoid losses in our simulation.
Betting strategies or systems (also known as ???staking formulas???) work by providing bettors with instructions to follow in order to maximize earnings and reduce losses. Some work by betting more when you win, while others work by betting less as you lose.
Which betting strategy is the most profitable? In this article, we tested some of the most popular betting strategies to try and determine which is the best and which ones you should stay away from.
Our friends at BookMaker.eu provided us with a test account to run our simulations. We placed and tracked the success of five popular betting systems over a series of 500 bets. Here are the results.
The graph below shows the profit from 500 bets for the five betting systems (with a 55% probability of winning each bet). Except for the ???Bet it All??™ method, which had an initial bet of $1,000, the initial bet for each other system was $100. Each system started with a $1,000 balance, and the simulation ran for 500 bets or until the balance was zero.
Betting Strategy A: Bet It All.
This system involves you betting your entire balance on every bet. The advantage is that if you win, you win big. Conversely, if you lose, you lose it all.
Betting Strategy B: Martingale System.
The Martingale system has you double your bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus a profit equal to the original bet. For example, say you started with a $100 bet and lose. You would then double your bet and continue doubling each bet until you finally win ($100, $200, and so on.). By the time you reach your fifth bet, you??™d be risking $1,600. The Martingale betting strategy is seen as a sure thing by some since a gambler with an unlimited bankroll will eventually win.
The exponential growth of the bets in order to cover losses will eventually bankrupt all gamblers who use this system since no one has an unlimited bankroll. Also, every casino or sportsbook has a betting limit on the amount they will accept that will almost certainly be reached before the gambler wins.
Betting Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting.
This system requires you to bet a fixed amount on each bet. In our case, it is $100. With a 55% probability of winning, this method means you won??™t lose your entire balance quickly but it also means your chance of losing will be slow but certain.
Betting Strategy D: Proportional Betting.
Proportional betting systems require betting a portion of your bankroll and then increasing your bets by that same percentage after each win.
For example, if you had a $1000 bankroll and bet 10%, you??™d bet $100 the first time. If you won, you??™d add your winnings and find 10% of your new total for the next wager. For instance, if you won $200 you would add this to the $1,000. You then calculate 10% of $1200, which is $120.
This means winnings increase quicker than in the fixed-wager system, and losses slow down.
Betting Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence.
Using this methodology, you??™ll increase your bets in a Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence are numbers in the following sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,??¦
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
As an example, lets say your first bet is $100 or 1 unit. You lose. You then place your second bet, also $100 or 1 unit. You lose again. Place your third bet, $200 or 2 units. Now you win. So you move down 1 unit to $100 or 1 unit.
This method has similar drawbacks to the Martingale system, but it reduces how quickly the bet increases if you??™re on a losing streak,as well as reducing the rate at which you win.
Which Is the Most Profitable Betting Method?
And the winner is??¦
Strategy D: Proportional Betting ??“ $19,275 Strategy C: Fixed Amount Betting ??“ $6,600 Strategy E: Fibonacci Sequence ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy B: Martingale System ??“ $0 (busted on bet 81) Strategy A: Bet it All ??“ $0 (busted on bet 2)
Strategy D, the proportionate betting system, resulted in the greatest profits, earning $19,275 after 500 bets. This makes sense, since proportional betting has a natural mathematical advantage over the others betting systems.
For example, say your bankroll is down to only $100. You would then bet $10 and decrease each time, keeping you in the game for much longer than a fixed betting system, where your last $100 would be your last bet.
The only system other than proportional betting to avoid losses in our simulation was Fixed Amount Betting (Strategy C), earning $6,600 after 500 bets.
The Bet it All system (Strategy A), generated big gains after the first bet. It earned as much in one risk than the other systems did in their first seven. However, this strategy is quickly eliminated on just the second round of betting. The odds of making it through all 500 rounds at 55% is almost impossible. If you did manage to do so, you would have earned $67 billion by the 27th bet.
The Martingale (Strategy B) and Fibonacci Sequence (Strategy E) betting systems also started strong, but long sequences of losses quickly increased the required stake resulting in losing it all.
In our simulation of betting online, we lost 12 times in a row at round 81. These losses completely wiped out both Fibonacci and Martingale??™s bankrolls. In fact, at the 12th consecutive loss in-a-row, the Martingale bettor had to bet $405,000 to recoup his losses.
That was impossible, since his maximum balance was only $6,500. For Fibonacci, the maximum bet was $34,500, with his balance reaching its maximum at $4,300 before busting out.
The 12-bet losing streak also affected Proportional Betting (Strategy D) greatly, reducing its winnings from $8,369 to $3,276 ??“ lower than that of Fixed Betting (Strategy C). This shows how well fixed betting protects your winnings and thus ranks as one of our best betting systems.
Which Betting Strategy Should You Choose?
In our simulation, its clear that Proportional betting is the only system that you should use. Keep in mind, however, that our simulation is based on the assumptions that we know both the edge and that the edge is in our favor ??“ a 55% probability of winning each bet. Without those assumptions, the results for our betting strategy test would have change significantly.
Regardless, we still feel that Proportional Betting is the best staking formula of all the systems we tested. Not only because of the results, but because it??™s a system that??™s easy to use and calculate.
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